Why You Shouldn't Let Mice Infest Your Home or Business

Mice evoke a mix of emotions—some people find them adorable, while others view them as unwelcome pests. But regardless of how you feel about them, one thing is certain: allowing mice to infest your home or business is never a good idea.

These small rodents can cause extensive damage, chewing through wires, furniture, and structural materials. They contaminate food supplies, and multiply rapidly, making an infestation hard to control once it starts. Protect your property, health, and peace of mind by taking action at the first sign of mice.

It has become increasingly challenging to control mice outbreaks because of their resistance to anticoagulant rodent baits. Unfortunately, this has resulted in a lot of rat control companies in Cape Town resorting to stronger single-feed formulations that pose a huge risk to non-target animals such as owls, caracals, cats and dogs. Scientists in Cape Town have recently discovered that rat poison is killing our wildlife. Read more here.

Mouse Gnawing Wires
The constant gnawing from rats and mice can cause electrical fires and damage to equipment.

Common Mice in Cape Town

House Mice: Key Facts and Characteristics

House Mice are easily recognizable by their pointed snouts, large rounded ears, and long tails. Their bodies typically range from 7.5 cm to 10 cm in length, with tails measuring an additional 5 cm to 10 cm. Their fur colour can vary widely, from grey and light brown to black.

Diet and Behavior

Although primarily herbivorous, feeding on plant matter, House Mice are omnivorous and can adapt their diet to what’s available, including grains, seeds, and occasionally insects. They are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are most active at night when they search for food and build their nests.

Why They’re a Concern

House Mice are prolific breeders and can quickly establish large populations in homes, offices, and storage areas. They can cause damage to structures and contaminate food sources, making them one of the most common household pests in urban areas.

House Mouse

House Mouse

Four-striped Grass Mice: What You Need to Know

Four-striped Grass Mice are slightly larger than common house mice, measuring approximately 10.5 cm in head and tail length. Unlike house mice, they are active during the day, especially in the mornings and late afternoons. These mice are one of the most widespread rodent species in South Africa, thriving in a variety of environments.

Diet and Behavior

Striped Field Mice are omnivorous, with a diet primarily consisting of seeds and plant matter. However, they also opportunistically feed on insects. Remarkably, they can survive for extended periods without water, making them well-suited to the South African climate.

Potential Pest Issues

While they pose little threat to urban homes, Striped Field Mice can become a problem in agricultural settings, particularly in food storage areas. Their presence can lead to significant losses if not managed effectively.

Ecological Role

These mice play an essential role in the ecosystem, serving as a major food source for many birds of prey, including owls.

Striped Field Mouse

Four-striped Grass Mouse

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