Debunking Common Myths About DIY Pest Control in Cape Town

When it comes to managing pests in Cape Town, many homeowners are tempted to try DIY solutions. However, several common myths about do-it-yourself pest control can lead to more harm than good. At Dead Easy Pest Control, we’re here to set the record straight and explain why professional services are often the best choice.

Top 5 Eco-Friendly Pest Control Methods for Your Home

As concerns about the environment grow, many homeowners are seeking eco-friendly pest control methods that are safe for both their families and the planet. At Dead Easy Pest Control, we specialize in environmentally friendly pest control solutions that effectively target common pests such as cockroaches, rats, mice, flies, and ants.

Understanding and Preventing Secondary Poisoning

Secondary poisoning occurs when animals ingest toxins indirectly, typically by consuming poisoned prey. In Cape Town, this issue is particularly concerning due to its diverse wildlife, including owls, genets, mongooses, and caracals. These predators are at risk when rodents are poisoned with rodenticides.

Dead Easy